7 Successful Strategies to help you build a positive mindset

Starting a business is an amazing opportunity, one I am relishing. I am extremely grateful that I am able to take my time to build a strong foundation for a successful business. I wake up exhilarated, excited about what I will achieve today and some days I go to bed feeling overwhelmed and my mind chatter just won’t stop talking to itself.


A couple of weeks ago I ruptured my plantar fascia ligament from over exercising, who knew too much exercise could be so bad for you! I had to rethink my whole exercise routine. I can no longer run, cross-fit , boot-camp with the girls down the road, all high impact exercise is out. I was gutted, I actually cried when the doctor told me. Once I had calmed down I had to work out what my next strategy for my exercise was going to be. I certainly can’t do nothing for 18 months, I would go mad. So I bought myself a good bike and I have started riding in the mornings. I have to say, I am loving it! Not going is it great exercise, I get to see the sun rise in the mornings, it’s become my way of mediating, saying my affirmation as I ride really sets me up for the entire day.

This whole experience got me thinking. It’s all very well and good to have the right content strategy and know which social media platforms/tools you are going to use, if you don’t have the right mindset to keep you on track. Certainly when the you start doubting yourself and the negative thoughts become the background noise in your head or when you need to find another way around that problem or change direction all together. As the great Kenny Rogers said:


Here are 7 keys to help you create a positive, successful mindset.

1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people.

The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing. Moods and attitudes are so easily spread – think about how much of a difference a simple smile from a stranger can make for your day and then magnify it 1000 times to demonstrate the power of positive and successful friends, family and associates. When you have people around you who inspire you, believe in you and want you to succeed, there’s no room for doubts and even when they creep up, they’re quickly swept away.

2. Create a mantra or an affirmation.

Positive thoughts, positive successful business and happy life

For example, “I am building a powerful and profitable business.” Many of the most esteemed business professionals have used the same affirmation strategy to attain their success. To find the right affirmations for you, consider writing a quick list of your doubts, insecurities and complaints. These can then be quickly turned into affirmations.

For example, if you write that you’re always feeling disorganized then your affirmation would be, “I am organized and in control.” Repeat your affirmations several times a day and feel the power of positive thinking.

3. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive.

We all have negative thoughts from time to time, however, negative thoughts and emotions can derail us and prevent us from achieving our goals. Of course catching those negative thoughts takes practice and persistence. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts or having negative emotions, find a trigger to turn them around. The affirmations mentioned above are a great way to turn the negative into the positive. You can also find quick pick me ups like a favourite song, a walk outside in the fresh air, or some exercise to help improve your mood.

For example, instead of thinking, “We are going to have a hard time adjusting to our living situation,” think, “We will face some challenges in our living situation, but we will come up with solutions that we will both be happy with.”

4. Set goals but be willing to let it go or change direction.

The law of attraction says that we attract what we focus on the most. However, desperation, needing your business to be a success, sends mixed messages and a lot of negativity into the universe. Set your goals and intentions and then let them go. A certain amount of faith in yourself and in the power of attraction is necessary. Give it a try.

5. Be grateful.

Gratitude is perhaps the single most powerful and positive tool for success. When you’re grateful for all of the wonderful things and people in your life the challenges you face seem significantly less important and are more easily dealt with.

Consider keeping a gratitude journal and make a practice of entering into it daily. That way, when you’re facing challenges a quick peek at all the amazing things in your life will make you feel as if you can tackle anything. Additionally, an attitude of gratitude helps you maintain a positive perspective and to face challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. It worked for Oprah!


6. Don’t play the victim. You create your life—take responsibility.

Some people create their own storm and then cries with it rains (1)

Life is too short, try not to complain or hate. Just breathe through it and remember the sun is always shinning no matter how many clouds are in the way.

Not owning up to our actions takes us away from ever doing anything different. We simply remain stuck while we continue to complain and feel miserable in our status quo of negativity.

We have to decide it’s up to us and not pass along our power to the blame and excuse game.

Making excuses and blaming others keeps us victimized. We don’t have to do anything different because it’s not about us; it’s about someone or something else. We’re simply the recipient. It’s time to decide to do something different, empower yourself with ‘I can’ not ‘I can’t’ statements.


“Whether you think you can or can’t you are right” – Henry Ford

7. Smile

A smile can change the world! It can make you more attractive and it can also close that sale! Smile and the world smiles with you.

If success is all about the right mindset than following these simple, yet powerful, tips will help you build a successful business, live a happier, more satisfying life. And you never know, you just might be the sunshine in someone else’s  bad day.  If that’s all you achieve then it’s been worth this read and a smile!

Watch your thoughts, they become words.Watch your words, they become actions.Watch your actions, they become habits.Watch your habits, they become your character.Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.Happy (1)


Keep smiling,  try positive thinking and you can achieve anything!

Natalie Smith

Visual Energy


8 sure-fire tips every Small Business needs to know for more website taffic

The key to any businesses on-line success is driving traffic back to your website. If Twitter or Facebook closes down tomorrow you will lose all your likes and followers however if you build an email list,  you will now have these people in your community forever, you won’t have to worry about them seeing or not seeing your post on Facebook , you just send them an email.

The more traffic you generate the bigger your community and if done correctly you will be able to do very targeted marketing to people who are actually interested in what your products and services.

Once you are armed with your keyword research based on your Buyers Persona, categorised by the stages of the buyers  journey {Awareness Stage, Consideration Stage, Decision Stage} you are ready to start.

Here’s our 8 sure-fire tips to drive more traffic fast to your website.

Tip #1 Create Content around keywords
Don’t use the same phase or keyword over and over again. Search engines are smarter these days, Google Hummingbird is a modern SEO. While keywords are sill important, Hummingbird adds more strength to long-tailed keywords effectively catering to the optimization of the content rather than just keywords.

Tip #2 Use your Social Media Platforms 
Put your URL on your pages, send an automatic DM thank you for the follow message with a link to your blog to drive new followers/likes to your website. This is a free way to constantly advertise. There are so many different services that allow you to set up automatic DMs, on of my favourite free one is Crowdfire.

Tip #3 Tag keywords
Many of us spend a lot of time on optimizing our content however we neglect to tag them on our webpage.  Tags are where search engines look and if there are no tags they’ll pass right by your web pages.
There are a number of tag types including:
Title tags.
Title tags are quite possibly the most important place to situate your keywords. Here’s what they look like – <title>Primary keyword phrase here. </title>
Your title tag is where you place your primary keyword or keyword phrase. The sentence will describe your business in less than 90 characters.
Header Tags.
Header tags are next in order of importance to search engines. They’re ranked in order of importance and look like this – <h1>Primary and/or Secondary keywords here</h1>
The “1” designates this header as the most important header on the page.
Meta Tags.
Meta tags provide the small descriptive text found underneath the title tag on the search engine results page. Like title tags these should be kept brief, to about 140 characters, informative and up to date.
Alt Tags.
Alt tags are used to provide a text description of a graphic. Each graphic on your site should have a description and an alt tag.

Tip #4 Add content to your site daily
Content is essential for traffic and a top search engine ranking. Content is what search engine spiders look for and index – without it there’s nothing to index or rank. Give visitors and search engines a reason to visit and index your site. Make a commitment to provide daily, optimized content and your traffic will soar.

Tip #5 Procure valuable and relevant incoming links
The more websites which link to your webpages the more valuable search engines perceive you to be, though not all links are created equal. Search engines give more leverage to links from sites which are popular and credible and from sites which are relevant to your website topic.

There are different types of links.

  1. A direct link looks like a basic website address, for example, http://www.yourwebsite.com
  2. A text link occurs when the webpage address is embedded in the text. Readers simply click on the link and are redirected to a new website page.
  3. If the link is to an internal web page, for example an article published on a website, rather than the home page, it is called a “deep link.”

You can encourage linking to your website by:

  • Adding content to your site.
  • Submitting to article directories.
  • Publishing press releases.
  • Blogging and participating in social networking forums, chat rooms and social networking sites.

Tip #6 Use your email signature to drive passive traffic

With your contact details have a link to your Social Media icons.

Natalie smith

Tip #7 Be Social!
I have said before and I will say it again, be Social! Now more than ever before, internet marketing is about building a community. Whether you offer a forum on your website or you participate in social networking sites, social networking is a valuable traffic generating tactic. Sites like Facebook and Twitter can be powerful tools for generating links and traffic to your site – create a profile and then post comments, links to your site and ideas which generate conversation.
Get involved – many chat rooms and forums are industry specific, find those which cater to your industry, and begin participating. Speak to and connect with a highly targeted audience.

Tip #8 Advertise for more exposure and traffic
Advertising, when handled strategically, can be used to promote your content and products or services. Pay Per Click advertising is often the tool of choice because you control the advertising budget on a daily basis and have the tools to test and track your advertising efforts. Once you have honed your PPC ads the return on investment can be phenomenal in terms of traffic and purchases.

For maximum results, create a traffic and SEO strategy. Outline your plan and your goals and then take the necessary action. Take advantage of these traffic and search engine tips to boost your business today.

See you next week

Nat – Social Media Nerd/Mum

Visual Energy

Instagram… Is it the next big superhero of Social Media world

As a small business owner it is getting harder and harder to compete for market share on Facebook and Twitter.

As Facebook shared in itsQ4 2014 report, Facebook ad revenue has increased exponentially from $ 1.974 billion in 2010 to 12.4666 billion in 2014
Read more

Today there is more companies competing for the same number of customers on Facebook and Twitter, resulting in less market share for everyone.

The fish pond is getting smaller and the fish are definitely getting bigger!

What does this mean for the small business owner? The simply answer is we need to head where the markets are going and arrive just before they get there.

So which new Social Media platform are all the markets heading too? Instagram.

Instagram already has 400,000 users every month however in the big scheme of things 400,000 users is just a drop in the ocean in comparison to its parent company Facebook.

Facebook has over billion users every day

It certainly looks like Facebook is having the last laugh, after purchasing Instagram for a Billion in 2012, when many questioned the motivation behind the buyout.

Is Instagram is a good fit for your business?

Maybe one of the greatest advantages to Instagram is it shows your audience the heart and soul of your business. Instagram has a more casual feel to their photos and videos, allowing you to show your personality more and allowing you to really connect with your audience.

9 Things to remember when getting started on Instagram. 

1. Get familiar with Instagram on your own personal network.
Play around with the platform, take some photos and share them with your friends and family members. This will help you get used Instagram.

Once you understand how it works, create photos for your business and share them your business page.

2. Connect Instagram with your Facebook Business Page
This will not only make it easier for you to share your Instagram photos on Facebook, but also makes it easier for people on Facebook to connect with you on Instagram.
3. Instagram Video
You can create a 15-second video (stop-motion or straight through) using Instagram’s filters. You can also easily share your new video with your other social networks too!
Video is definitely the next big thing. Have your smart phone on you at all times and hit record when you see something worth sharing, only takes a few seconds.

By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco. Video-on-demand traffic alone will have almost trebled.

These videos can be embedded into your website and used on your other social media platforms. Don’t be the one say ‘I wish I had’, get on board with videos now!

4. Hashtags
Hashtags are widely used on Instagram to discover new photos. This means that your current and potential customers are probably already searching hashtags on Instagram, so this is a great way to help them find you.
When you open the Instagram phone application on your main feed, there is a magnify glass on the bottom, which is your search bar. When you click on this, it brings you to trending tags to explore posts.
Make sure your hashtags are relevant, and only relate to the photo and help your target audience find your photos. It seems that unlike Facebook and Twitter, the more hashtags the better!


5. Run contest
Create a sharing contest using a hashtag of your choice, and allow entries via Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter.
Encourage your Facebook and twitter fans to enter, and don’t forget to let them know how they can find you on Instagram. This is a great way to really grow your instagram audience and also bring followers over from your other social media platforms.
6. Be social
Engagement is key, follow those who follow you and your network will grow.
Engage with your audience and their friends by liking and commenting on others photos too because it increases the chances of your business being found on Instagram. And if getting found is important to you, this Tip is extra important!

7. Show your personality

Show your personality of your business. Share pictures of your employees, behind-the-scenes exclusives, and your fantastic customers (with their permission, of course).

8. Start with Beauty
Start your instagram account with beautiful images. Nobody is going to want to follow you if you don’t have beautiful photos… People need a reason to follow you, [so] post images that reflect beauty or life quotes, give them a reason to follow you.

deers on ice

9. Have fun
Have fun, be social, show people the face behind the brand. People love to buy from people they trust and know. Get to know your customers so you can tell them what they need before they even know themselves.

You might fall but what if you fly? There is only one way to find out.

 What if I fall-

How to EMPOWER and ENGAGE on Social Media

Last week we spoke about developing an On-line Marketing strategy. Hopefully, you have sat down with your team, made a pot of coffee and devised your new marketing on-line strategy.

But if you missed it our blog, we will recap:

1.Develop Marketing Strategy

Start by knowing who your buyer persona is, understanding your competition and being able to identify your core objectives while creating value for your audience. Click here if you missed it.

What now? What do you do next? You got it, more analyst, but this time  of the Social Networks and what platforms will work for you.

2. Social Networks – analyse what Social networks are going to work for you.

Inbound/Social Media marketing is not about having your fingers in every ‘Social Media’ pie. You have to analyse what is going to work best with your product and where your buyers persona is engaged. If a particular social media platform is not where your buyers persona is likely to be engaged, this is not the platform for your business needs. Start with one, master it and then move onto the next. Being a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ will not serve you well when it comes to which Social Media Platform works for you and your business.

Jack of all trades, master of none” is a figure of speech used in reference to a person that is competent with many skills, but spends too much time learning each new skill that he/she can not become an expert in any particular one.

3. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

I know what you are thinking, WHAT?? But every expert has told me  ‘don’t schedule/don’t automate’. There is not enough time in the day for you to juggle your every day work load and tweet every hour. Not to mention facebook, instagram, pinterest, linkedin, google+….I could keep going but you get the picture.

In saying that,  use your buyers persona profiles to think like them, what is their language, where are they posting, where are they in the buyers cycle. Think careful about what you automate and don’t automate everything.

Social media by definition is supposed to be social; where people are  looking to engage with each other and gathering information, regardless of where they are in the buyers cycle. You can schedule in post but don’t forget to join the conversation by re-tweeting, liking and following people of interest.

Join the conversation by re-tweeting, liking and following.

4) Use Relevant #hashtags

Learn to use relevant hashtags and have a strategy on how many hashtags you use in each platform. As a general rule, keep #hashtags to a conversation level on Twitter and Facebook at  2 to 3 per post, ie less is more however instagram on the the more the better. See below:


5) Followers

Target who you follow. These days ‘less (but engaged followers) is more’ . Follow others strategically.

6. Be Social

This is social media, people want to be social. Make it relevant to your business but also mix it up with some information about you, use humor, be inspirational and sometimes downright out there. Throw in a weird question or quiz.

7. Be Social

Like your gym membership, if you expect by filling in the forms and joining up you will lose those extra kilos without any exercise or effort you are sadly mistaken.

It’s up to you to be social, to engage with people, share content, updates, make relevant comments, ask for comments and you’ll find, with some hard work, time and persistence, Social Media will become a valuable marketing tool for your business.

8. Constant contact

It is imperative that you post regularly, content is key!  Every platform is different. For example Twitter has a life of 30 seconds to a minute, where Facebook is more like an hour. Know and understand the life span of each social media platform, how much is enough, how much is not enough.



Have fun with your Social Media platforms and marketing. Let your personality shine through. People love to know there is a person on the other side of the page.

Had enough of content not working for you?

Did my social media experiment work with You are EXTRAORDINARY?

(Here’s a link for those who missed it http://bit.ly/1LVMUN5)

Well…lets just say it didn’t set the on-line world on fire, not yet anyway! It did however help girlfriend feel good about herself and I had no idea she was going through such a hard time;

You REALLLLLLY don’t know how amazing your timing is!! Xxxx love you, miss you. Going thru some stuff right now but hope to fill you in soon. YOU are the amazing uplifter Nat. Kisses to you xxx

So have to ask myself how do you measure success? No, my post did not go viral but it did what it set it to do, lift a woman up by cheering them on and yes, she is EXTRAORDINARY,!

Here’s the thing with Social media; you never know what will go viral and what won’t. So it’s just trial and error, playing with different marketing ideas, different content, colours, logos until you start getting engagement.

 ‘Just not all at once, change one small thing at a time, test it, that way you will know what’s working and what’s not’

So is the below true??

post it, Pin it, Tweet it and they will come

Yes and no…… if you don’t post it, pin it or tweet how can they come? The thing is just don’t expect it will happen over night. It will take planning, trying new things and lots and lots of persistence.

So where do you start?? Where it all went wrong!

By analysing what hasn’t worked for you. By going back over content and advertising you will get a clear picture of your marketing funnel and you will understand what has been working and what hasn’t.

By definition insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

So you have now worked  out has not been working for you, what next?

The end goal. What do you want to achieve long-term, not short-term as a company.  Sit down with your key players and work out what the company wants/needs to achieve in the next one to three-year.

The questions you should be focusing on are:

  1. What do revenue does the business need to do?
  2. Why do you need to make that amount?
  3. When do you need to make this by?
  4. What happens if you don’t achieve this financial goals? What happens if you do?

If you are one man band, take a day or two to set these goals, talk them through with your husband, bank manager, friend. Anyone you can trust and someone who can be objective.

Next you need to work out who your buyer is? What is your buyers journey in all three stages, Awareness, Consideration and Decision? Your Buyer Persona is a vital part of your Inbound marketing strategy. Without now you can target your content to.  How many persona’s should you have? Well that’s up to your product/products.

How do you create your persona? Research!

  1. Role                                   Job Title, Role
  2. Age/Gender
  3. Company                            Industry
  4. Goals                                   What goals is your buyers persona trying to                                                           achieve
  5. Challenges                          What are their biggest challenges
  6. Information                        Where does your persona get their information                                                    from – Internet/paper
  7. Shopping preference         On-line/Shops

Buyers persona

Now you know exactly what your ROI is, you have your buyers persona/s, now its time to work out a marketing strategy. This is where smarketing comes into it.

Smarketing is the process of integrating the sales and marketing processes of a business.[1][2] The objective is for the sales and marketing functions to have a common integrated approach.[3] This can lead to annual revenue growth of up to 20%, according to a study in 2010.[1] The objective is to promote the product or service to potential buyers and at the same time integrate this process with the sales department’s activities.[4] Sales and marketing departments should meet frequently and agree on a common terminology, and using data throughout the entire sales and marketing process to identify good prospects and to follow up on how well they are followed up. Smarketing works best when a firm does closed loop reporting by tracking its success with particular prospects from the marketing stage through direct sales efforts.[5] According to one source, Smarketing began around 2000 as a result of improved web browsing capabilities.

By creating a marketing and sales Funnel to forecast your targets by defining how much traffic you need, leads , SQL and sales closed. You also align goals between the two departments.


Now you have mid-term goals and targets set for your smarketing department and the company. Yes, this will take time but with a clear concise strategy for your business means you can deal with the expected and unexpected situations.  All departments are now in alignment and have clear boundaries, goals and target all working towards the same goal, REVENUE.

Time to make a cup of coffee, grab your team and start analysing, planning and developing your on-line marketing strategy.

I would love to hear about your successes and failures. Remember so much wisdom comes from our failures or as Thomas Edison so eloquently put it


You are EXTRAORDINARY! Time to lift women up not tear them down.

I did not think I would be blogging again so soon however this topic is something that I am very passionate about putting a stop too.

‘Women tearing each other down and judging each other’

This video has gone viral this week, http://on.mash.to/1Gz1Lwm, mothers/women confirming they do in fact judge others. 

It’s very sad that it actually still happens in today’s society. In an age when women are front runners in politics, medicine, education, the arts, and business we have so little compassion and collaboration for each other, friends and foes alike. 

I am sure each one of us has been on the receiving end of it and some of us, sadly, are guilty as charged of being judgemental of others mothering skills, success, looks, job the list is endless.

Feels like the school yard all over again, makes me dread my children going through the same in the coming years. As a mother lioness, I want to do everything I can do to protect my children from this ugly side of humanity. 

Even my mother-in-law commented on the video. 

If this is really the behaviour of mothers today….then I am truly saddened and totally shocked, What the hell has happened to humanity…….Whoever is up there…… for goodness sake help us……………..

It’s time we all stopped, thought about the consequences and change our behaviours. However, call me old fashioned but I do believe there is a difference in blowing smoke up someone’s butt to make ourselves look good and actually empowering someone; therefore lifting them up and giving them the power to feel good about themselves. 

Empowering is to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

As sad as it is I truly believe we can put a stop to this by empowering instead of tearing each other down.

Come on girls lets stand together, hand in hand and say NO more, it has to be a Zero Tolerance on bitching or judging other women.  Don’t be jealous of someone’s achievements, be proud to call them your friend; maybe learn something from them instead of tearing them down. We all have our own battles and the scars to prove it. This tall poppy mentality is so yesterday.

The tall poppy syndrome is a pejorative term primarily used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers. This is similar to begrudgery, the resentment or envy of the success of a peer.

I have always lived by the rule mother taught me as a little girl.

Don’t be jealous of anyone or anything, be envious with a smile and feel blessed that you have been able to see someone success or happiness. Jealously is ugly and all-consuming.

We can also make a difference with what we share on social media. Let’s start today and pass this onto every women we know, those we love and those we don’t know well enough to love. But hey, it’s okay that we don’t have to agree with every woman. But we can stop bitching and judging about women’s appearances, parenting, or successes.

Actress Lynda Carter, who played the original Wonder Woman, said, “Wonder Woman belongs to us all. She lives inside us. She’s the symbol of the extraordinary possibilities that inhabit us, hidden though they may be. “Perhaps our real challenge in the 21st century is to strive to reach our potential while embracing her values. She sees the good in everyone, convinced they are capable of change, compassion, and generosity. She’s kind-hearted and hopeful, and she has a great sense of humour.”

Gossiping can definitely pass the time in a boring day or conversation. But they’re destructive. Find another feel-good fix, go for a run, join a yoga class. Find new friends, if necessary. Find your integrity.

Please share this post and put the picture as your profile picture for a week to let every women you know that you are cheering her you on, shouting

You Are Extraordinary!

Isuperhero 3

Go!! Girl power all the way!

Let’s have a class in the power of Social Media.

Dirty Confessions of a Digital Mums first blog post.

Like millions of other mums out there, I am re-entering the work place full time after having two beautiful children, my son Lachlan 5 and daughter Addison 3.

Having worked all around the world, from the Head of Marketing for an Inbound Marketing specialist in the UK to contracting roles over past five years assisting companies set up their Social Media presence .

We relocated 3 years ago to come home to be close to my family here on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It was nice to swap the cold weather for the sunshine and glorious beaches!

I wanted to get back into Inbound Marketing specialising in Social Media. However, I was not ready to suit up and go back into the ‘corporate’ world just yet. After much discussion with the boss (my fabulous Hubby, Justin) we decided that I would start my own business, Visual Energy. My goal, to help small to medium size businesses and start ups make the most (and sense) of the overwhelming world of Social Media marketing.

It’s a mine field out there of do’s and don’ts; working out which social media sites are best for your business; new sites popping up at the rate of knots; creating and sharing new content; creating an on-line strategy; finding the time to manage them all and the list goes on. Is it any wonder that most small business owners give up and put it in the too hard basket?!


Its a whole new world of Pinterst, Vine, Vimeo, Periscope, Snapcat, Tumblr, flickr…. the list is endless

I have a confession… about 18 months after my son was born, around the end of 2012 early 2013, I was working with a client looking at new avenues for their Inbound Marketing strategy. Pinterest was relatively new, Ben Silbermann launched in 2010, by 2012 it was the third-largest source of referral traffic on the Web.

We put it into the mix, I  incorrectly pronounced it ‘PIN-interest’,  much to my younger colleagues amusement who corrected me whilst in hysterics on the floor… I was so embarrassed, have no fear I found solace in the bottle of champagne and never made that rookie mistake again!

‘Pin-terest’ is one of my favourite social networking sites, it is definitely ‘coming of age’ and one you should be paying attention too.

Why? Well, among other reasons, Pinterest hit 13 million users in just 10 short months, making it one of the fastest growing websites in history.

SEO, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogging, microblogging……. take me back to a simpler on-line life haha.


Join me on my journey of finally starting up my own business, whilst doing what all mums do and they do it so well. Juggling kids, husbands, a new Business venture and two cats!

While I am creating a social media strategy for a new client,  my 5 year old is telling me all about a star wars battle to the death against the Emperor and Darth Vader and his 3 year old sister is screaming because he has popped her balloon mid battle!!! And the cats exits stage left…very very fast!

Jokes aside, I am very fortune as I have two healthy happy beautiful children, a wonderful supportive husband and opportunity to share it all with you.

I am excited about getting to get back into into the adult world with grown up conversation and help those who are really struggling to make sense of this very digital world we live in. Turn in for tips and advice on how to make the most of your Social networks.

Cue my 5 year crying because he is in trouble from Hubby for destroying the frozen puzzle and my 3 year old telling he is in trouble for doing it!.

Twitter – step by step start up guide.

‘Twitter can be overwhelming for most of us however it doesn’t have to be. Just follow these simple 8 step by step guide to get you started’

Twitter how to guide 5

Hope you enjoy my blog. I look forward to hearing for you and talking with you all soon.

If you have any question please do not hesitate to ask me in the comment section below and I will happily answer you.